Our Disability Services
Adult Supported Living
Youth Residential Homes
Diversion Services
Mobile Diversion
Community Protection Supported Living
Zone Intensive Supported Living Services
Disability Services Review
I feel compelled to reach out to affirm the excellent work you and your team at Hope Human Services are doing. They clearly care deeply about the people they serve, and the manner they communicated with other members of the team was honest, done so very respectfully, and was ultimately effective.
Your team members have conducted themselves as consummate professionals which I know reflects the company and its leadership. You have built and sculpted a powerful and truly great team and the people they serve ultimately benefit. “Thank you” does not begin to cover it!
Adult Supported Living
Supported Living provides services for adults in their own homes, in the community. Typically, there are 2 to 3 people who share the home, but sometimes based upon approval from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), people may live alone. This is a Habilitative Service providing instruction and support to include home, health, financial, and medication management. Supervision and support can be provided up to 24 hours per day, based on the individual’s assessed needs. Additional supports for behavioral, therapeutic, and nursing needs can also be provided based on assessment. These services are contracted through DDA and certified by Residential Care Services (RCS). Each person in the household pays their own share of rent, food, utilities, and other living expenses. We strive to provide a person-centered approach focused on exceptional life experiences.
How do I access Supported Living Services?
If you are interested in receiving Supported living Services, please contact your DDA Case Manager. This is the first step in the referral process. All referrals go through the case manager. HHS is not able to accept referrals that do not come from the Regional DDA Resource Management Team.
Youth Residential Homes
Our homes are in the community with up to four youth in each home. Services include intensive supervision, behavior management and 24-hour care. These services are contracted through Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) as Out of Home Services (OHS). OHS provides residential habilitation services for children outside of a child’s family home. This service is voluntary and agreed to by the child’s parent/ legal guardian and service provider. HHS engages local communities, licensed providers, schools, and other stakeholders to coordinate services that wrap around the individual. Our services are provided in a Licensed Staffed Residential Home that is licensed through the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) for youth ages 8 to 18. Parents retain custody, and work in partnership with HHS through a child and family engagement plan that supports the child and their individual support needs. As with all our services, we have a person-centered approach that focuses on exceptional life experiences.
How do I access HHS Youth Services?
If you are interested in receiving Out of Home Services with HHS, please contact the individuals’ DDA Case Manager. This is the first step in the referral process. All referrals go through the case manager. HHS is not able to accept referrals that do not come from the Regional DDA Resource Management Team.
Diversion Services
Diversion Services provides support for individuals who are in danger in their current placement. We provide a safe and supportive environment to help get people stabilized. With a sensory room, spacious living areas, and a large yard we are well equipped to provide whatever is needed to deescalate the individual who is experiencing elevated risks. Once the person has returned to their baseline, we are able to help them move back to a permanent placement. These services are contracted through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA).
Mobile Diversion
In early 2020 we developed and implemented the Mobile Diversion Services program. We help individuals achieve stabilization in a variety of settings.
This service is not a 24-hour service, or respite, and is not meant to replace direct care support. The program is designed to help maintain the individual’s services and supports in a community-based setting with minimal interruption to their community placement. We provide individualized behavioral support, training, and program development, in a safe and welcoming manner.
In the Mobile Diversion Program, unlike our current residential Diversion Program, we focus on working with individuals in their current residential placement to identify, modify, and minimize challenging behaviors.
The focus of our services is on how to work within the existing placement and structures to develop a more successful and functional environment. We facilitate and coordinate training and development with community partners, providers, and families to provide a successful wrap around support team. Finally, we will assist with the transition and continuing stabilization individuals to ensure that the skills and supports are successfully implemented on a long-term basis.
Mobile Diversion is unique in that it is broken up into 5 “Phases” to focus on the individual needs for each person we support as they move on a path toward stabilization.
Assessment Phase
Review & Assessment
In this phase the clinical team will be assessing the individual, their team, and what support would be needed.
Phase 1
Service Agreement & Criteria Development
Once our team has assessed the individual, the team will begin to put together individualized supports and systems.
Phase 2
Data Collection and Training
Data is then collected by the people that are providing support in an individualized documentation system
Phase 3
Transition Planning
Plans are then finalized with the documentation provided and transition planning has begun
Stabilization Phase
Stabilization Sustainability Review
Once the individual has transitioned, support will still be provided in the same or new environment(s).
How do I access Mobile Diversion Services?
If you are interested in receiving these mobile diversion services, please contact the individual’s DDA Case Manager as this is the first step in the referral process. All referrals go through the DDA Case Manager. HHS is not able to accept referrals that do not come from the DDA’s Regional Clinical Team.
Community Protection Supported Living
Community Protection Program is a Supported Living Program that offers an array of specialized supports within a supported living model which are designed to assist those individuals that have been identified as a potential risk to the safety of the community. These services offer a therapeutic approach to support that focuses on recommendations and guidelines from the treatment team in a specialized environment. Teaching individuals skills to live safely and successfully in the community is a priority. Enhanced supervision strategies are implemented on an individual basis while still supporting individuals to participate in home, community, and vocational opportunities. We focus on a person-centered approach to support exceptional life experiences.
How do I access Community Protection Supported Living Services?
If you are interested in receiving Community Protection Supported Living Services, please contact the individuals’ DDA Case Manager. This is the first step in the referral process. All referrals go through the case manager. HHS is not able to accept referrals that do not come from the Regional DDA Resource Management Team.
Zone Intensive Supported Living Services
Zone Intensive Supported Living Services
The Zone Intensive program is a model that is provided to enhance Supported Living services. It includes habilitative, clinically and behaviorally consistent support to those individuals in need of more support than the standard Supported Living program offers.
We focus on individuals that are ready for community placements, but due to their complex behavioral and clinical needs they require more support than the traditional Supported Living program offers. The Green Zone framework (a DBT-informed approach) is a unique approach focused on positive, engaging interactions while at baseline instead of focusing most of staff attention during escalations.
Zone intensive Supported Living program is unique in that it is broken up into 5 “levels” to focus on the individual needs for each person we support as they move on a path towards stabilization. The Zone Intensive model is built to support individuals in Levels 1-4 (known as the “Active” Levels) and level 5 (known as the “Maintenance” Level). The Maintenance Level provides a great middle ground of support to help ease the transition to traditional Supported Living.
Level 1: Zone Development
Review, Assessment, Transition, & Zone Intensive Development
Level 2: Zone Implementation
Plan Implementation, Intensive Training, Coaching, & Documentation
Level 3: Zone Actualization
Support, Coaching, Skill Acquisition, & Plan Finalization
Level 4: Zone Generalization
Generalization & Stabilization Sustainability Review
Level 5: Zone Maintenance
Generalization and Maintenance
Because this service is primarily focused on creating a framework for staff training and engagement, this therapeutic model can be effective for individuals at different levels of functioning, developmental and intellectual disability, and communication levels.
We individualize our program to tailor it to the needs of the individual using social stories, communication boards, coaching skills, etc. Our teams work to identify exceptional challenges and barriers experienced by individuals and work on eliminating/resolving challenges and barriers with individuals and their staff.
The goal is to teach and coach the use of individualized skills and tools that are needed to achieve successful long-term stabilization.
How do I access Zone Intensive Supported Living Services?
If you are interested in receiving Zone Intensive Supported Living services, please contact the individual’s DDA Case Manager as this is the first step in the referral process. All referrals go through the DDA Case Manager. HHS is not able to accept referrals that do not come from the Regional DDA Resource Management Team. The Zone Intensive Supported Living program is considered an “enhanced rate” service and is only available on a limited basis.

A Wide Range of Disability Services for All People
With over 50 years of combined experience, the leadership of Hope Human Services understands the importance of person centered services to provide exceptional life experiences.